
CC -Creative Commons - Some Rights reseved ...

Die "Lizenz" - CC - creative commons scheint sich immer grösserer Beliebtheit zu erfreuen.


Bei Syllabus wurde ein Artikel darüber geschrieben:

In the face of ever longer and stronger copyright laws, Creative Commons has launched a suite of licenses—its first project of many—to help recreate a healthy public domain.

In principle, copyright is a spectrum. It grants authors an array of discrete, fine-grained powers: the rights to copy, redistribute, commercially exploit, or build upon an authored work, among others. Each right can be exercised individually and enforced more or less than any other, depending on the author's preferences.

In practice, however, copyright tends toward monochrome: It applies automatically and fully to all works the moment they're made, regardless of the author's aims. To deviate from this "all rights reserved" default usually requires the help of skilled (and often expensive) lawyers.

Hier geht's weiter: Academic Digital Rights: A Walk on the Creative Commons

Und hier geht's zur Weblog von Lawrence Lessing: Chair of creative commons project (Stanford Law School)

Dan Gillmore: Help Me With "Making the News"

Nach dem Motto: "When Every Reader Can Be a Writer" schreibt Dan Gillmore ein neues Buch und bittet um Mithilfe:

Dear Readers:
I'm working on a book, and invite you to be part of it.

The book will explore the intersection of technology and journalism. The working title is "Making the News" -- reflecting a central point of this project, namely that today's (and tomorrow's) communications tools are turning traditional notions of news and journalism in new directions. These tools give us the ability to take advantage, in the best sense of the word, of the fact that our collective knowledge and wisdom greatly exceeds any one person’s grasp of almost any subject. We can, and must, use that reality to our mutual advantage.

I’m doing the typical research: reading, interviewing, thinking, organizing, etc. I think I know a lot already about this subject. Naturally, I also am aware that I could know a lot more. So let's practice what I preach.

To that end, I hope you will become a part of this book, too. You can start by reading the outline below. My publisher, O’Reilly & Associates, agreed that this was a good idea.

How can you join the project?

Hier weiterlesen

Electronic Iraq: Pockets of resistance in America

Ein interessanter Artikel von Ali Abunimah, Electronic Iraq:

In recent weeks, public support for the Iraq war in the United States has hovered steadily near 70 percent. Yet this number hides considerable diversity and dissent. Here are two snapshots from my personal experience that illustrate how different the picture can be depending on where you are standing. In my neighborhood, near the University of Chicago, opposition to war seems to be the overwhelming sentiment. Peace signs, anti-war slogans and bumper stickers are visible all over the place. Flyers advertise anti-war rallies on the campus, as well as in local churches. It is rare to hear any expressions of support for war.

(...) For most of the American population, the war has been little more than the latest thrilling reality TV show. There is about as much hope that, once the show is over, there will be any more public debate about the future of Iraq than there is about Afghanistan, where American troops are still engaged in running battles with an invisible enemy.

Hier bei electroniciraq nachlesen (zuerst publiziert im Daily Star )

A tale of two photos.....

Bei Indymedia wird die Geschichte von zwei bestimmten Bildern unter die Lupe genommen:

First there is a photo from the BBC website showing the statue toppling. Below that is a long-shot in which you can see the whole of Fardus Square (conveniently located just opposite the Palestine Hotel where the international media are based), and the presence of at most around 200 people – most of them US troops (note the tanks and armoured vehicles) and assembled journalists.

The BBC website had the honesty to say that "dozens" of Iraqis were involved, but this grain of truth was swamped by the overwhelming impression of mass joy. The radio and TV were even worse.

The masses are no doubt glad to see the back of Saddam Hussein, but this was a US Army propaganda coup, staged for the benefit of the same journalists it had bombed the day previously, and which the British media have swallowed hook line and sinker. Shame on them.

Und hier folgen noch die beiden besagten Bilder:


Hier nachlesen bei Indymedia.

Einen Blog-Schweigetag für die Opfer des Krieges ?

Heute schweigen einige Weblogs in der Blogosphäre ...

Diesen Eintrag habe ich bei: The ReachM High Cowboy Network Noose gefunden:

I'd like to propose something else to bloggers who respect life, I don't care what your political persuasion. For the innocent of Iraq, for the journalists who've died, for all the dead soldiers, I propose that we make Thursday a day of silence in the blogosphere. No posts. No comments. Perhaps a memorial message to whoever you wish, posted as a final post the night before.

Und hier bereits die ersten Angeschlossenen gefunden.

Friedrich Nietzsches Briefe im Internet

Rund 5000 Briefe von Friedrich Nietzsche aus dem Weimarer Goethe- und Schillerarchiv sind nun im Internet nachzulesen.

Datenbank-Angebots der Stiftung Weimarer Klassik und Kunstsammlungen: http://ora-web.weimar-klassik.de/swk-db/db_all.html

(dauert manchmal etwas länger ...)

Die Vaporisierung der Diktatur ...

Florian Rötzer (Telepolis) schreibt:

Es sollten Gesten der Eroberung sein, als Soldaten mitsamt den eingebetteten Journalisten erstmals in Basra und Bagdad die noch stehenden Präsidentenpaläste betraten. Doch das alles machte eher den beiläufigen Eindruck, als würden Touristen staunend durch eine Art Museum schlendern und sich dann einzeln oder in Gruppe zum Erinnerungsfoto drapieren.

Und irgendwie hat sich jetzt das Hussein-Regime, so wollen es uns wenigstens das Militär, die Medien und die Bilder vermitteln, dementsprechend weitgehend in Luft aufgelöst, fast so, als habe es nie wirklich existiert.

Zurück bleiben die Ruinen, die zerstörten Panzer, die Paläste und zahllose Bilder und Staturen von Saddam. Und der Thron des Kaisers scheint so leer zu sein wie seine Paläste ....

Hier weiterlesen



Alles fliesst und nichts bleibt (Heraklit von Ephesos)








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