Public Journalism


Citizen Journalist Sign-Up bei Bayosphere

Dan Gillmor sucht Citizen Journalists und bittet darum, folgende ethischen Grundsätze zu respektieren:

Citizen Journalist Pledge

By submitting this form, I agree to be accurate, complete, fair and transparent in my postings on Bayosphere. I will operate with integrity.

I work in the community interest.

I report and produce news explaining the facts as fairly, thoroughly, accurately and openly as I can.

* Fair: I'm always listening to and taking account of other viewpoints;
* Thorough: I learn as much as I can in the time I have, and point to original sources when possible;
* Accurate: I get it right, checking my facts, correcting errors promptly and incorporating new information I learn from the community;
* Open: I explain my biases and conflicts, where appropriate.

I may also provide reviews (such as a critique of a movie or book) and commentary with a point of view based on facts, but I will have no significant financial or otherwise direct connection (membership, affiliation, close relationship, etc.) with an interested party.

If I do have such connections, I'll disclose them prominently, and my work may be labeled and/or categorized appropriately.

I agree, as an active member of this community, to help uphold the integrity of this pledge by challenging and reporting inappropriate postings or abuse.

[Via Bayosphere - Dan Gillmor ]


Can Trust and Quality Save Journalism? - Konferenz

Ankündigung von PJNet:

Can Trust and Quality Save Journalism?

An Interactive Conference for Journalists, Academics, and Citizen Activists
August 9, 2005; Marriott Rivercenter Hotel, San Antonio

Mit einer beeindruckenden Referenten-Liste und folgenden Fragen:
  • Is the Mass News Media in a Death Spiral? Can Trust, Quality Save It?
  • Will Nonprofits, New Technologies, Citizen Journalism Restore the Trust or Are They More Nails in the Coffin?
  • Have Groups Long Neglected by the Main Stream Media Now Found Their Own Voices?
  • Is the Roman Empire of Mass Media Disintegrating into Niche Media?
  • What the News Media Future Will Look Like
Das vollständige Programm gibts hier.

[Via: PJNet ]

Thema Collaborative Citizen Journalism (CCJ) in der Technology Review

Interessanter Artikel zu "Collaborative Citizen Journalism" (CCJ) in der Technology Review:

The movement known as "collaborative citizen journalism" is gaining sharper focus. What kinds of partnerships will make it thrive -- and how will the mainstream media react?

Craig Newsmark, Begründer von Craiglist:

"What I see happening is community journalism will post news that the mainstream news hasn't covered," Newmark says. "But I don't know at this point. It's all a moving target. It looks like my biggest draw might be making noise and pointing people to good stuff."

Is CraigsNews Coming Soon? by Eric Hellweg

[Via: Hypergene MediaBlog ]


Daniel Okrent, Public Editor of the New York Times

Daniel Okrent, Public Editor der N.Y.Times verlässt nach 18 Monaten planmäsig die Times: Eine Laudatio von Jay Rosen: Ultimately Daniel Okrent will have had more influence on the New York Times than the notorious Jayson Blair.

Although his 18-month appointment as public editor was supposed to be a trial period, there was no agonizing about whether the position should be continued. Everyone knew it should be. Everyone knew it would be. And on April 5th, the Times simply named a new public editor, Byron E. Calame. He will officially take over in June. Okrent's last column will be May 22nd. It should be an interesting one.

PressThink - Jay Rosen: In Praise of Daniel Okrent

Unbedingt acuhlesen: After Matter: Notes, reactions and links...
[Via: Jay Rosen: PressThink ]


Eine gute Frage

I'm not certain there's anyone left who still questions whether bloggers can be journalists. At the same time, most pros still use demeaning term "citizen journalism".

I don't know what "citizen journalism" means, but I don't think it'll be too long before we can just erase the word "citizen" as a meaningless qualifier. After all, professional journalists become so objective that they're not citizens any more?

[Via: MediaSavy - Barry Parr ]


Laying the Newspaper Gently Down to Die

Sehr interessanter Artikel von Jay Rosen bei PressThink: "Laying the Newspaper Gently Down to Die,... And keeping the spirit of journalism alive", wo unter anderen Michael S. Malone zitiert wird:

This is the last great divide, and my sense is that few newspapers will be able to make the crossing. If they kill their print editions now, they won't have the revenues to make a smooth transition to cyberspace; but if they keep wearing their paper albatrosses, they'll have less of a chance of succeeding in the new world. Thus, if all of the old-fashioned newspapers are going to die, nearly all of the forward-looking ones will too.

[ Quelle: Silicon Insider: Farewell to Newspapers by Michael S .Malone]


Consumerpedia beta


Nach WikiPedia kommt jetzt ConsumerPedia

Consumerpedia came out of a desire to have a user-driven consumer resource that evolved based on how people actually used it - where they were not forced into certain narrow categories and topics as an appendage of someone's ecommerce effort, but rather a completely independent information resource that was an end in itself - one that had no conflict of interest and with the sole goal of simply making it easier to find and share helpful information - so we built it. Please note that Consumerpedia is still very much in early beta testing, so any and all feedback and suggestions to help further build, refine, and improve Consumerpedia are sincerely encouraged and greatly appreciated. Thanks!

[Via David Weinberger resp. Micro Persuasion ]

Und natürlich gibts auch ein Weblog dazu:

NowPublic beta


Seeing is believing, and you need to see more. Corporate news is missing this story. Again. You searched and there's no decent footage. You need NowPublic.

Assign the story. Get photos, video, audio files posted to your request by citizen journalists on location. See the truth for yourself and show the world.

NowPublic makes it easy to track down the real story and get the proof you need. Turn your blog posts into photo assignments. Watch fellow members vote to prioritize your story and chase down the footage. Give them a budget or recruit volunteers. Either way, the news is nowPublic.


The Citizen Media Editor: part Chat Moderator, part Copy Editor and part Ombudsman

Marc Glaser gewährt in der Online Journalism Review einen Blick in die Praxis der Citizen Media Editors:

There's something inherently like the "Odd Couple" about the pairing of citizen media with a traditional newsroom. If citizen media is about being all-inclusive, with news as a conversation, old-line media has been about news coming from the mouths and pens of journalists, with the readers left to fend for themselves in the "Letters to the Editor."

But when those old-line news organizations go online, they must compete with local bloggers, Craigslist, Slashdot and any online source that lets readers do the talking. So it's not surprising that the more industrious news sites have started to ask their readers to take on citizen media projects, submit photos, start a blog or give live online feedback that runs beneath each staff-written story.

But who do you put on the front line? Who can oversee these efforts with a light but discerning touch, allowing free speech without inviting lawsuits?

Part chat moderator, part copy editor and part ombudsman, the citizen media editor is such a new role that no one really has that title, yet. ...

Vollständiger Artikel:
How to succeed as a citizen media editor

There's a new animal in online newsrooms -- the editor in charge of citizen journalism and blogs. These pioneers share best practices and tips.
[Quelle: via notebook online journalismus ]


ourmedia - the global home for grassroot media - Alpha

ourmedia (alpha) jetzt seit rund einer Woche online mit beeindruckenden Ankündigungen:

Come on in, the media's fine!
Submitted by JD Lasica on March 12, 2005 - 1:19pm.

We are in the midst of the greatest boon in grassroots creativity in ages. Tools once available only to a professional elite are now being taken up by everyday citizens. Just as weblogs let millions of people become part of "the media," so too are new tools empowering individuals to create video, audio, playlists and other works of personal media and to share them with a global audience.

The personal media revolution is turning multimedia. Digital stories, video diaries, documentary journalism, home-brew political ads, music videos, fan films, Flash animations, student films – all kinds of short multimedia works have begun to flower. Alas, the most compelling ones are scattered across the Web or hidden away on thousands of PCs, laptops and closed networks. These works deserve a wider audience. is an open source media project that seeks to expose, preserve and advance works of grassroots creativity. Individuals, communities and organizations have begun telling digital stories that enthrall, entertain and often move audiences to take positive action. Plain text or the cool detachment of "objective" media do not come close to matching the emotional power of multimedia stories laced with personal narrative.

Ourmedia is three things in one:

1. a destination web site at that serves as a repository; we offer free storage and free bandwidth for your media, which gets exposed to a global community;
2. a media registry based on open schemas that will let other web sites tap into the network and share their own media content;
3. soon, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing amateur, hobbyist, semi-professional, and professional works.

Unlike other initiatives that are pure-play stand-alone web sites, Ourmedia's vision is to bring personal media to millions of desktops through playlists, video jukeboxes, visual albums, and built-in media libraries. Members upload works with a range of rights, from Creative Commons-licensed works to public domain works to fully copyrighted works.

Brewster Kahle and the Internet Archive are supporting this project with free storage and bandwidth for grassroots media. But Ourmedia is more than a repository that preserves works for the ages. We'll serve as a resource center and learning toolkit for creating rich and compelling works; our members are creating their own topical community spaces; and we’re building tools that will let anyone search for digital media, download it and reuse or remix it, with proper attribution.

Supporting this project are thought leaders in the creative community, technologists, educators, and digital-preservation librarians. Rather than relying on a paid staff, we have built a do-it-yourself platform that lets users anywhere in the world upload material, download shareable media, rank their favorite works (coming soon), and offer commentary and tutorials. All for free.

Over time, we expect Ourmedia to grow into the world's largest collection of home-brew media. (Quelle)

[Via New Media Musings]



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