How to boil an egg ... ;-)
Every journalist graduating from school today needs to understand the importance of hyperlinks in the online environment, and the ways that online stories can be enhanced using audio, video, Flash, PDF source documents, or user-generated materials. They need to know the importance of the community of users, and how crucial engagement is in the survival of their news operations.
I really think print journalists should know how to record and edit audio and compose and take decent photographs (even short videos) at a bare minimum, and know how to insert hyperlinks into a news story. But knowing those skills won't make you a journalist, any more than knowing how to boil an egg will make you a chef.
Quelle: Bryan Murley - Collegemedieinnovation
I really think print journalists should know how to record and edit audio and compose and take decent photographs (even short videos) at a bare minimum, and know how to insert hyperlinks into a news story. But knowing those skills won't make you a journalist, any more than knowing how to boil an egg will make you a chef.
Quelle: Bryan Murley - Collegemedieinnovation
Cyberwriter - 16. Nov, 18:49 - online Journalism
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