Educational Blogging - The Map
Via Educational Bloggers Network auf eine ganz besondere "Mind-Map" von Bernie Dodge gestossen: graphical presentation of educational blogging Eine sehr interessante Darstellung.
Eine Studentin schreibt im Forum:
The concept of blogging is new to me, although I'm intrigued! From what I can tell, this seems like quite a relazing, open forum for people to learn about others' ideas and interests. I like the idea of doing "whole-class bloggs," in which students can read each others comments, and add some of their own as well. It would also be great to have students keep track of blogging pages that are constantly being updating with info on a topic the class is studying... Surely, this tool could be used in a number of ways in a classroom.Alyssa Munski
Und hier gibt's die Studenten-Diskussion zu Blogging nachzulesen.
Eine Studentin schreibt im Forum:
The concept of blogging is new to me, although I'm intrigued! From what I can tell, this seems like quite a relazing, open forum for people to learn about others' ideas and interests. I like the idea of doing "whole-class bloggs," in which students can read each others comments, and add some of their own as well. It would also be great to have students keep track of blogging pages that are constantly being updating with info on a topic the class is studying... Surely, this tool could be used in a number of ways in a classroom.Alyssa Munski
Und hier gibt's die Studenten-Diskussion zu Blogging nachzulesen.
Cyberwriter - 24. Jun, 23:15 - EduBloggs
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