
A blogview mit Martin Röll

Eamonn Fitzgergerald'sRainy Day veröffentlicht ein interessantes Interview mit Martin Röll:

One of the most impressive presentations at last month's Blog Talk conference in Vienna was titled "Business Weblogs— A pragmatic approach" and was made by Martin Röll. The young native of Luxembourg now lives in Dresden where he runs an E-business consultancy. Here, Rainy Day presents a blogview (blog+interview) with him about blogging in the enterprise.

Hier zum Nachlesen: A blogview with Martin Röll.

Salam Pax, Peter Maass ....und 24 Pizzas

Journalist Peter Maass schreibt bei Slate:

The day after I returned to New York, reunited with my cable modem, I checked out a friend's blog that linked to an Austrian interview with Salam Pax. I clicked to it. Salam Pax mentioned an NGO he had worked for, CIVIC, and this caught my attention. I knew the woman who was in charge of CIVIC; she stayed at my Baghdad hotel, the Hamra. Salam Pax mentioned that he had done some work for foreign journalists. We traveled in the same circles, apparently. He also mentioned that he had studied in Vienna. This really caught my attention, because I knew an Iraqi who had worked for CIVIC, hung out with foreign journalists, and studied in Vienna. I clicked over to his blog.

His latest post mentioned an afternoon he spent at the Hamra Hotel pool, reading a borrowed copy of The New Yorker. I laughed out loud. He then mentioned an escapade in which he helped deliver 24 pizzas to American soldiers. I howled. Salam Pax, the most famous and most mysterious blogger in the world, was my interpreter. The New Yorker he had been reading—mine. Poolside at the Hamra—with me. The 24 pizzas—we had taken them to a unit of 82nd Airborne soldiers I was writing about....

Artikel bei Slate:Salam Pax Is Real
How do I know Baghdad's famous blogger exists? He worked for me.

Und natürlich auch Salams Bestätigung

[Via Unqualified Offerings ]

Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog

Immer wieder gut: http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepw.htm ,...und just wieder "aufdatiert".

Kolumbus' Knochen ausgegraben

Spanische Wissenschafter haben die Gräber des Entdeckers Christoph Kolumbus und dessen Sohns Hernando in der Kathedrale von Sevilla geöffnet. Sie entnahmen die Urnen mit Knochenresten, um daran Gen-Analysen vorzunehmen.

Damit soll das Rätsel gelöst werden, ob in der Kolumbus-Gruft in der südspanischen Metropole wirklich der Entdecker Amerikas begraben liegt.

Die Forscher wollen auch die Frage beantworten, ob Kolumbus wirklich aus Genua in Italien stammte, oder ob er vielleicht einer Liaison eines spanischen Prinzen mit einer Mallorquinerin entsprang.

Das Wirrwarr um die Grabstelle des Entdeckers geht darauf zurück, dass die sterblichen Reste von Kolumbus immer wieder umgebettet wurden. Sie ruhten im Laufe der Zeit in Grabstätten in Valladolid (Nordspanien), Sevilla, Havanna (Kuba) und Santo Domingo.

[Via BaZ-Papierkorb]

Nicht verzagen, Blogger fragen

Dies die aktuelle Kolumne des Networke, John Naughton beim Observer:

If you really want to know, ask a blogger

Assiduous students of the print media will have noticed its practitioners becoming increasingly exercised about 'blogging' - the practice of publishing web-logs or online journals.

On 18 May, for example, one Geoffrey Nunberg fulminated in the New York Times about the fact that whenever one does a Google search on any topical issue, the top page rankings often go to blogs rather than established media sources (such as the New York Times ).

This was, according to Nunberg, A Bad Thing. After all, most bloggers are not professional journalists, but rank amateurs! He was not the first hack to articulate this whinge. In fact, he seems to have picked up the idea from an earlier piece in the Register, an online publication. But the mindset he represents is widespread in Big Media, so it is worth devoting a few moments to unpacking the prejudices behind it.

First, there is the contempt for 'amateur' writers, endemic in professional journalism. Hacks are always astonished by anyone who writes for no pay, so upwards of half a million such amateurs now publishing blogs leaves the pros speechless. It also leads them to deride blogs as an epidemic of vanity publishing rather than the glorious outbreak of free expression it actually represents.

Second is the assumption that anything written by an amateur is, by definition, worthless. Yet journalism has always been, as Northcliffe observed, 'the art of explaining to others that which one does not oneself understand'.

In fact, when it comes to many topics in which I have a professional interest, I would sooner pay attention to particular blogs than to anything published in Big Media - including the venerable New York Times. This is not necessarily because journalists are idiots; it's just that serious subjects are complicated and hacks have neither the training nor the time to reach a sophisticated understanding of them - which is why much journalistic coverage is inevitably superficial and often misleading, and why so many blogs are thoughtful and accurate by comparison.

Third, there is the problem - not often touched upon in the New York Times, by the way - that many controversial public issues are ignored by Big Media for the simple reason that the ideological and commercial interests of their proprietors preclude it.

This is why the US mainstream media has wound up misleading its audience about Iraq and the 'war' on terrorism. The fact that most US citizens believe a majority of the 9/11 hijackers were Iraqis rather than Saudis is a case in point.

Then there is economics. One reason blogs show up so prominently in Google searches is because weblogs are available on the web while Big Media sources increasingly are not. Instead they are locked behind pay-for firewalls. (As with Nunberg's little rant, which I have just tried to re-read - and been invited to pay $2.95 for the privilege.)

Since the whole point of the web is full and comprehensive linking, and Google ranks pages by the numbers of other pages that link to them, it is hardly surprising that blogs are winning over established media. Nobody in his right mind would link to a mere abstract.

A few Big Media outlets understand this elementary fact. The Guardian and The Observer sites are exemplary in this regard - which is why they are beginning to outrank their competitors (for example, the London Times and the New York Times ) in web searches.

The moral is: if you want to score with Google, be on the web. Otherwise, go whistle.


Salam Pax der Bagdad-Blogger wird Journalist ...ähem Kolumnist

Vom Blogger zum Kolumnisten ...

Die britische Zeitung «The Guardian» hat den «Bagdad-Blogger» als Kolumnisten engagiert. Der Verfasser eines Internet-Tagebuchs aus Irak soll alle zwei Wochen einen Beitrag für das Blatt schreiben. Ein «Guardian»-Reporter habe mit dem Autor, der sich im Internet nur Salam Pax nennt, in einem Vorort von Bagdad Kontakt aufgenommen, berichtete die Zeitung.

Während des Krieges wurde sein Blog (Web-Log, Web-Tagebuch) nicht mehr aktualisiert, weil er keine Verbindung mehr erhielt. Erst jetzt können die Beiträge online gelesen werden. Auf seiner Web-Site berichtet er weiter über das alltägliche Chaos in der irakischen Hauptstadt.

So weit bekannt, soll es sich bei Salam Pax um einen 29-jährigen irakischen Architekten handeln. Laut «Guardian» lebte er einige Jahre in Wien.

Hier gibt's den Artikel dazu im Guardian.




Alles fliesst und nichts bleibt (Heraklit von Ephesos)








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