Daniel Okrent, Public Editor of the New York Times
Daniel Okrent, Public Editor der N.Y.Times verlässt nach 18 Monaten planmäsig die Times: Eine Laudatio von Jay Rosen: Ultimately Daniel Okrent will have had more influence on the New York Times than the notorious Jayson Blair.
Although his 18-month appointment as public editor was supposed to be a trial period, there was no agonizing about whether the position should be continued. Everyone knew it should be. Everyone knew it would be. And on April 5th, the Times simply named a new public editor, Byron E. Calame. He will officially take over in June. Okrent's last column will be May 22nd. It should be an interesting one.
PressThink - Jay Rosen: In Praise of Daniel Okrent
Unbedingt acuhlesen: After Matter: Notes, reactions and links...
[Via: Jay Rosen: PressThink ]
Although his 18-month appointment as public editor was supposed to be a trial period, there was no agonizing about whether the position should be continued. Everyone knew it should be. Everyone knew it would be. And on April 5th, the Times simply named a new public editor, Byron E. Calame. He will officially take over in June. Okrent's last column will be May 22nd. It should be an interesting one.
PressThink - Jay Rosen: In Praise of Daniel Okrent
Unbedingt acuhlesen: After Matter: Notes, reactions and links...
[Via: Jay Rosen: PressThink ]
Cyberwriter - 17. Mai, 00:08 - Public Journalism
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