"Meet Joe Blog" - TIME Magazine über Weblogs
Grosses gut gelungenes Special im TIME Magazine zum Thema Weblogs:
Why are more and more people getting their news from amateur websites called blogs? Because they're fast, funny and totally biased
Und wiederum...
We may be in the golden age of blogging, a quirky Camelot moment in Internet history when some guy in his underwear with too much free time can take down a Washington politician. It will be interesting to see what role blogs play in the upcoming election. Blogs can be a great way of communicating, but they can keep people apart too. If I read only those of my choice, precisely tuned to my political biases and you read only yours, we could end up a nation of political solipsists, vacuum sealed in our private feedback loops, never exposed to new arguments, never having to listen to a single word we disagree with.
TIME Magazine: Meet Joe Blog (by Lev Grossman)
Why are more and more people getting their news from amateur websites called blogs? Because they're fast, funny and totally biased
Und wiederum...
We may be in the golden age of blogging, a quirky Camelot moment in Internet history when some guy in his underwear with too much free time can take down a Washington politician. It will be interesting to see what role blogs play in the upcoming election. Blogs can be a great way of communicating, but they can keep people apart too. If I read only those of my choice, precisely tuned to my political biases and you read only yours, we could end up a nation of political solipsists, vacuum sealed in our private feedback loops, never exposed to new arguments, never having to listen to a single word we disagree with.
TIME Magazine: Meet Joe Blog (by Lev Grossman)
Cyberwriter - 15. Jun, 19:07 - Blogging
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