Fishwrap und so weiter ....
"The newspaper business works much like an old-style manufacturing business where stories go from reporters to assigning editors to copy editors to layout editors with the final destination being the next day’s newspaper. A lot of thought and knowledge goes into the newspaper creation process, but it ends up getting thrown out, just like the daily paper.
Another area that newspapers spend a lot of time on is deciding what’s important and what’s not. At a major newspaper, this is more than 40-person hours a day of the most senior editors. This is conveyed in the newspaper by what page a story appears on, the position on the page and the size of the headline. Again, most of this information is lost by the time the story reaches online.
Of all the companies in the media business, newspapers have the strongest assets for capturing knowledge about current events. The type, quality and volume of original content they create is incredibly expensive to do. They just need to decide to move from the fishwrap business to the knowledge business."
Another area that newspapers spend a lot of time on is deciding what’s important and what’s not. At a major newspaper, this is more than 40-person hours a day of the most senior editors. This is conveyed in the newspaper by what page a story appears on, the position on the page and the size of the headline. Again, most of this information is lost by the time the story reaches online.
Of all the companies in the media business, newspapers have the strongest assets for capturing knowledge about current events. The type, quality and volume of original content they create is incredibly expensive to do. They just need to decide to move from the fishwrap business to the knowledge business."
Cyberwriter - 16. Dez, 18:54 - Web2.0
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