PodCasting und Zeitungen
Interessanter Eintrag von Tim Porter zum Thema "Pod und Press":
There are several points worth making about the value podcasting can offer newspapers.
First, anyone can do it. The list represents a wide diversity of newspapers. You don't have to be the New York Times to do audio. (I don't think the Times is podcasting. Is it?)
Second, it's low tech and it's cheap.
Third, it touches a different audience segment. (Of course, like any tool podcasts need good material and good promotion.)
Finally, and most important, podcasts require newspaper reporters and editors to jump platforms, to think in a different medium, to develop new skills. That's innovative. And, innovation breeds innovation.
Tim Porter: From Print to Pod: The Innovative Power of Small Ideas
Porter erähnt witer auch einen Artikel des Wall Street Journals zum Thema: Papers Turn to 'Podcasting' In Bid to Draw More Readers (Quelle: The Wall Street Journal)
Cyberwriter - 16. Mai, 15:20 - PodCasting
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