Committee to Protect Bloggers erhält Zuwachs
Das Committee to Protect Bloggers (CTPB) vermeldet, dass es mittlerweile eine Spanische Sektion und auch eine Brasilisanische-CTPB-Sektion gibt.

Apropos Iranische Weblogs:
AlertNet mit einem interessanten Artikel über Blogs in Iran:
"We finally have a way to find out how others in our society think," blogger Bahman Kalbasi (Weblog: World Citizen) said, "whereas before even if each one of us was opposed to the traditions, parts of religion, or the regime, we had no way of knowing how others think and how many people shared our concerns. Through blogs, we now have a big community of young Iranians that has so many things in common. Before, we didn't know how to practice democracy although we demanded it in the governmental level. Now we read each others blogs, we disagree and we survive; no one has to be eliminated just because we disagree." Another blogger noted, "Has everyone noticed the spooky absence of Graffiti in our public toilets since the arrival of weblogs? Remember the toilets at university we used to call our 'Freedom Columns'?"
AlertNet: Building Blogs - By Zack Pelta-Heller
[Via: E:M ]

Apropos Iranische Weblogs:
AlertNet mit einem interessanten Artikel über Blogs in Iran:
"We finally have a way to find out how others in our society think," blogger Bahman Kalbasi (Weblog: World Citizen) said, "whereas before even if each one of us was opposed to the traditions, parts of religion, or the regime, we had no way of knowing how others think and how many people shared our concerns. Through blogs, we now have a big community of young Iranians that has so many things in common. Before, we didn't know how to practice democracy although we demanded it in the governmental level. Now we read each others blogs, we disagree and we survive; no one has to be eliminated just because we disagree." Another blogger noted, "Has everyone noticed the spooky absence of Graffiti in our public toilets since the arrival of weblogs? Remember the toilets at university we used to call our 'Freedom Columns'?"
AlertNet: Building Blogs - By Zack Pelta-Heller
[Via: E:M ]
Cyberwriter - 26. Feb, 11:55 - Blogging
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