Buzzword: Citizen Journalism?
"Citizen journalism" is one of those buzzwords that's hot in our industry right now. (You also may have heard it called "participatory" or "open-source" journalism.) While some journalists might hope it's a fad that will go away soon, I don't think that's likely.
Inviting the public to participate in online news publishing by contributing articles and photographs is likely here to stay -- indeed, it might allow journalism institutions to renew some of the public trust they've lost in recent years by inviting the public in instead of keeping them outside the ropes.
Steve Outing in seiner Kolumne Stop the Presses: How to Integrate Citizen Journalism Into Mainstream News Sites
Inviting the public to participate in online news publishing by contributing articles and photographs is likely here to stay -- indeed, it might allow journalism institutions to renew some of the public trust they've lost in recent years by inviting the public in instead of keeping them outside the ropes.
Steve Outing in seiner Kolumne Stop the Presses: How to Integrate Citizen Journalism Into Mainstream News Sites
Cyberwriter - 23. Nov, 17:00 - Public Journalism
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