Man könnte es fast "Reader's Digest" nennen ....
Sehr interessanter Artikel von Michael Hirschhorn bei The Atlantic online. Der Artikel nimmt konkret Bezug auf die EPIC 2014-Vision und Epic 2015-Vision von Matt Thompson und Robin Sloan. Das Blog der beiden: (Die deutsche Version von EPIC 2014 gibts hier.)
Online news, microchunked, consumed on the fly, is fast food; the newspaper, fed by its newly invigorated journalist-brands, is the sit-down meal. In this marginally more optimistic future history, the roles of print and digital are inverted. Original news—in the form of stories, postings, and community—begins online, while print offers an intelligent digest/redaction that readers—and not only the elite and elderly—can peruse at their leisure. You could even call it Reader’s Digest.
Den vollständigen Artikel zum Nachlesen gibts hier:
Get Me Rewrite! - A modest proposal for reinventing newspapers for the digital age
Online news, microchunked, consumed on the fly, is fast food; the newspaper, fed by its newly invigorated journalist-brands, is the sit-down meal. In this marginally more optimistic future history, the roles of print and digital are inverted. Original news—in the form of stories, postings, and community—begins online, while print offers an intelligent digest/redaction that readers—and not only the elite and elderly—can peruse at their leisure. You could even call it Reader’s Digest.
Den vollständigen Artikel zum Nachlesen gibts hier:
Get Me Rewrite! - A modest proposal for reinventing newspapers for the digital age
Cyberwriter - 30. Nov, 16:09 - citizen journalism
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