USA Today Top Stroy: Pathetischer geht's nicht mehr
Diese Zeichnung von Präs Bush in der top Story von USA Today ist wohl etwas vom pathetischsten was ich je über Bush gelesen hab.
z.B. Bush makes a point of managing the balance of power in his inner circle....
Oder Interviews with a dozen friends, advisers and top aides describe a man who feels he is being tested. As might be expected from loyal aides, they portray the president as steady, tough and up to the task, someone whose usual cheer has shifted to a more serious demeanor. Their observations yield a rare inside look at how the president functions in a crisis.
Und: The president's friends and family fret about him, but advisers say the pressure doesn't seem to be getting to him. ''He's not one of those people who blows with the wind,'' Rumsfeld says. ''He has a very good inner gyroscope, a stabilizer that keeps him centered.''
Und für die, die sich die ganze Geschichte antun möchten: Strain of Iraq war showing on Bush, those who know him say
z.B. Bush makes a point of managing the balance of power in his inner circle....
Oder Interviews with a dozen friends, advisers and top aides describe a man who feels he is being tested. As might be expected from loyal aides, they portray the president as steady, tough and up to the task, someone whose usual cheer has shifted to a more serious demeanor. Their observations yield a rare inside look at how the president functions in a crisis.
Und: The president's friends and family fret about him, but advisers say the pressure doesn't seem to be getting to him. ''He's not one of those people who blows with the wind,'' Rumsfeld says. ''He has a very good inner gyroscope, a stabilizer that keeps him centered.''
Und für die, die sich die ganze Geschichte antun möchten: Strain of Iraq war showing on Bush, those who know him say
Cyberwriter - 3. Apr, 10:45 - war
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