Qualität im Citizen Journalismus
Steve Outing befasst sich in seiner neusten Kolumne mit der Qualität im Citizen Journalism und gibt dazu etliche nützliche Tipps:
Can 'Citizen Journalists' Really Produce Readable Content?
Answer: Yes, if editors work hard to attract and nurture it. Here are some ideas on how to get high quality content from your citJ contributors.
If a news organization (or entrepreneur, for that matter) is to have a citJ initiative succeed, there are some steps to be taken to ensure adequate quantity of citizen-submitted content, as well as quality. This column will offer some ideas on how to get high quality content from your citJ contributors.
Can 'Citizen Journalists' Really Produce Readable Content?
Can 'Citizen Journalists' Really Produce Readable Content?
Answer: Yes, if editors work hard to attract and nurture it. Here are some ideas on how to get high quality content from your citJ contributors.
If a news organization (or entrepreneur, for that matter) is to have a citJ initiative succeed, there are some steps to be taken to ensure adequate quantity of citizen-submitted content, as well as quality. This column will offer some ideas on how to get high quality content from your citJ contributors.
Can 'Citizen Journalists' Really Produce Readable Content?
Cyberwriter - 26. Okt, 15:36 - Public Journalism
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