News aus dem anderen Leben: Von virtuellen Journalisten in Second Life
Interview mit Adam Reuters, aka Adam Pasick, Chef des virtuellen Reuters-Büro in Second Life:

Pasick in echt .............................. und sein Avatar (Fotos: Reuters /Second Life)
Q: How do the methods Reuters’ reporters use in the real world, in places like Iraq or on Wall Street, apply in a simulation game?
Adam: It shows that the Reuters editorial principles translate pretty well, whether you are in Bagdad or whether you are in this 3-D virtual world. Being unbiased, being accurate, being fast, all the things that Reuters strives for, they hold true in just about any environment in which you would want to report the news. Obviously, you need to adapt to the fact that you have things like anonymous avatars, but the principles are still the same.
Vollständiges interview im Reuters-Blog. Und die New York Times berichtet auch darüber. Und hier der Guardian.
Wer News aus Secon Life haben möchte, kann auch das Blog New World Notes besuchen. Hier berichtet Wagner James Au kontinuierlich über Second Life-News.

Pasick in echt .............................. und sein Avatar (Fotos: Reuters /Second Life)
Q: How do the methods Reuters’ reporters use in the real world, in places like Iraq or on Wall Street, apply in a simulation game?
Adam: It shows that the Reuters editorial principles translate pretty well, whether you are in Bagdad or whether you are in this 3-D virtual world. Being unbiased, being accurate, being fast, all the things that Reuters strives for, they hold true in just about any environment in which you would want to report the news. Obviously, you need to adapt to the fact that you have things like anonymous avatars, but the principles are still the same.
Vollständiges interview im Reuters-Blog. Und die New York Times berichtet auch darüber. Und hier der Guardian.
Wer News aus Secon Life haben möchte, kann auch das Blog New World Notes besuchen. Hier berichtet Wagner James Au kontinuierlich über Second Life-News.
Cyberwriter - 3. Nov, 15:52 - citizen journalism
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