ourmedia - the global home for grassroot media - Alpha
ourmedia (alpha) jetzt seit rund einer Woche online mit beeindruckenden Ankündigungen:
Come on in, the media's fine!
Submitted by JD Lasica on March 12, 2005 - 1:19pm.
We are in the midst of the greatest boon in grassroots creativity in ages. Tools once available only to a professional elite are now being taken up by everyday citizens. Just as weblogs let millions of people become part of "the media," so too are new tools empowering individuals to create video, audio, playlists and other works of personal media and to share them with a global audience.
The personal media revolution is turning multimedia. Digital stories, video diaries, documentary journalism, home-brew political ads, music videos, fan films, Flash animations, student films – all kinds of short multimedia works have begun to flower. Alas, the most compelling ones are scattered across the Web or hidden away on thousands of PCs, laptops and closed networks. These works deserve a wider audience.
Ourmedia.org is an open source media project that seeks to expose, preserve and advance works of grassroots creativity. Individuals, communities and organizations have begun telling digital stories that enthrall, entertain and often move audiences to take positive action. Plain text or the cool detachment of "objective" media do not come close to matching the emotional power of multimedia stories laced with personal narrative.
Ourmedia is three things in one:
1. a destination web site at ourmedia.org that serves as a repository; we offer free storage and free bandwidth for your media, which gets exposed to a global community;
2. a media registry based on open schemas that will let other web sites tap into the network and share their own media content;
3. soon, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing amateur, hobbyist, semi-professional, and professional works.
Unlike other initiatives that are pure-play stand-alone web sites, Ourmedia's vision is to bring personal media to millions of desktops through playlists, video jukeboxes, visual albums, and built-in media libraries. Members upload works with a range of rights, from Creative Commons-licensed works to public domain works to fully copyrighted works.
Brewster Kahle and the Internet Archive are supporting this project with free storage and bandwidth for grassroots media. But Ourmedia is more than a repository that preserves works for the ages. We'll serve as a resource center and learning toolkit for creating rich and compelling works; our members are creating their own topical community spaces; and we’re building tools that will let anyone search for digital media, download it and reuse or remix it, with proper attribution.
Supporting this project are thought leaders in the creative community, technologists, educators, and digital-preservation librarians. Rather than relying on a paid staff, we have built a do-it-yourself platform that lets users anywhere in the world upload material, download shareable media, rank their favorite works (coming soon), and offer commentary and tutorials. All for free.
Over time, we expect Ourmedia to grow into the world's largest collection of home-brew media. (Quelle)
[Via New Media Musings]
Come on in, the media's fine!
Submitted by JD Lasica on March 12, 2005 - 1:19pm.
We are in the midst of the greatest boon in grassroots creativity in ages. Tools once available only to a professional elite are now being taken up by everyday citizens. Just as weblogs let millions of people become part of "the media," so too are new tools empowering individuals to create video, audio, playlists and other works of personal media and to share them with a global audience.
The personal media revolution is turning multimedia. Digital stories, video diaries, documentary journalism, home-brew political ads, music videos, fan films, Flash animations, student films – all kinds of short multimedia works have begun to flower. Alas, the most compelling ones are scattered across the Web or hidden away on thousands of PCs, laptops and closed networks. These works deserve a wider audience.
Ourmedia.org is an open source media project that seeks to expose, preserve and advance works of grassroots creativity. Individuals, communities and organizations have begun telling digital stories that enthrall, entertain and often move audiences to take positive action. Plain text or the cool detachment of "objective" media do not come close to matching the emotional power of multimedia stories laced with personal narrative.
Ourmedia is three things in one:
1. a destination web site at ourmedia.org that serves as a repository; we offer free storage and free bandwidth for your media, which gets exposed to a global community;
2. a media registry based on open schemas that will let other web sites tap into the network and share their own media content;
3. soon, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing amateur, hobbyist, semi-professional, and professional works.
Unlike other initiatives that are pure-play stand-alone web sites, Ourmedia's vision is to bring personal media to millions of desktops through playlists, video jukeboxes, visual albums, and built-in media libraries. Members upload works with a range of rights, from Creative Commons-licensed works to public domain works to fully copyrighted works.
Brewster Kahle and the Internet Archive are supporting this project with free storage and bandwidth for grassroots media. But Ourmedia is more than a repository that preserves works for the ages. We'll serve as a resource center and learning toolkit for creating rich and compelling works; our members are creating their own topical community spaces; and we’re building tools that will let anyone search for digital media, download it and reuse or remix it, with proper attribution.
Supporting this project are thought leaders in the creative community, technologists, educators, and digital-preservation librarians. Rather than relying on a paid staff, we have built a do-it-yourself platform that lets users anywhere in the world upload material, download shareable media, rank their favorite works (coming soon), and offer commentary and tutorials. All for free.
Over time, we expect Ourmedia to grow into the world's largest collection of home-brew media. (Quelle)
[Via New Media Musings]
Cyberwriter - 20. Mär, 15:10 - Public Journalism
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