
The Unofficial Official Simulator oder Ask Donald ..

The Unofficial Official Simulator - liefert die Antworten von Dick Cheney, Richard Perle, Condoleeza Rice, Don Rumsfeld und Paul Wolfowitz auf jede beliebige Frage.

Als Antworten dienen Zitate, zu denen auf Wunsch auch die Zitatstellen angezeigt werden.


Al Jazeera-SMS-News on your Phone


Pikant dabei ist, dass Al Jazeera denselben Hoster benutzt wie CNN:

The service is hosted by PervasiveEdge, the provider of content distribution services to wireless-enabled devices, which already counts CNN among its clients, and is able to reach to some 500m mobile phone users in more than 130 countries via text message.


Saddam's regime is a European import

Saddam's regime is a European import schreibt Bernhard Lewis in der National Post:

In the Western world, knowledge of history is poor -- and the awareness of history is frequently poorer. For example, people often argue today as if the kind of political order that prevails in Iraq is part of the immemorial Arab and Islamic tradition. This is totally untrue. The kind of regime represented by Saddam Hussein has no roots in either the Arab or Islamic past. Rather, it is an ideological importation from Europe -- the only one that worked and succeeded (at least in the sense of being able to survive).

Hier nachlesen (Quelle: Natioonalpost.com)

PS: Bernard Lewis is the Cleveland E. Dodge Professor of Near Eastern Studies, Emeritus, at Princeton University. He has written numerous books about Islam, including, most recently, The Crisis Of Islam: Holy War And Unholy Terror (March 2003). This essay is adapted from the 8th Annual Barbara Frum Lecture delivered by Prof. Lewis in Toronto which will be broadcast on CBC Radio's IDEAS on April 24.

A "clash of civilizations"? Sort of....

Dr. Peter Stephenson, Professor of Anthropology an der University of Victoria in British Columbia, hat sich mit dem Thema "Clash of Civilization" auseinenadergesetzt:

Some American troops were becoming impatient with the failure of most Iraqis to show enthusiasm for the invasion. "I expected a lot more people to surrender," one soldier told a reporter. "From all the reports we got, I thought they would all capitulate." Another soldier was unimpressed with the ruins of the ancient city of Ur, the birthplace of Abraham. "I've been all the way through this desert from Basra to here and I ain't seen one shopping mall or fast food restaurant," he told a British reporter. "These people got nothing. Even in a little town like ours of 2,500 people you got a McDonald's at one end and a Hardee's at the other!"

A clash of civilizations, indeed.

Sehr lesenswert !

Gefunden bei http://warincontext.org/ resp: http://electroniciraq.net/news/524.shtml

Salam Pax - Rätselraten um "Bagdad Blogger" geht weiter

Rätselraten um Identität des Irak-Bloggers
"Format" will Foto veröffentlichen, meldet ORF-Futurezone:

Das österreichische Magazin "Format" hat nach eigenen Angaben die Identität des letzten Webloggers aus Bagdad, "Salam Pax", recherchiert und will ein Foto des mittlerweile berühmten Bloggers veröffentlichen. (...)Die Abmachung mit "Salam Pax" beinhalte jedoch, dass auf Grund der Gefahr für Leib und Leben von "Salam Pax" weder Name, Alter noch Beruf des Autors genannt werden, so das Magazin in einer Aussendung. Hier weiterlesen

In diesem Zusammenhang hier noch einen Eintrag aus einem welschen Blog: pointblog.com. Die Schreiberin stellt ihren Mail-Austausch mit Salam ins Netz. Hier stehen Alter. Und um den Beruf herauszufinden, muss man auch nicht besonders "hell" sein ..... Und LAST BUT NOT LEAST , WER WILL SCHON EIN FOTO VON SALAM,...ein neuer Eintrag in sein Blogg wäre mir lieber.

From: "salam pax"
Subject: Re: Where's Raed? The eyes of the world are upon you
X-Sent-From: salampax@nme.com
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 14:03:16 0 (GMT)

Who are you?
28 male Iraqi who have lived for 14 years abroad, been in Iraq studying and working for the last 7 years

Are you a student?
finished architecture school here in baghdad and working now

Do you have family?
unmarried but family here in the arab world is all your uncles and aunts and whatnot, my family what i call close close family we are 30 people

and who is Raed, is he (she) missing.
the blog strted as a personal communication with my friend Raed who went to jordan, he is not missing he is now in baghdad.

Will you be ablot to continue posting if Uruklink.net (your provider?) is cut off.
NO, this will end with the first hit on the communication facilities in baghdad.

(Quelle: http://www.pointblog.com/past/000044.htm)

Und auch hier folgt wieder die Echtheits-Diskussion.

PS: Salam soll angeblich 14 Jahre in Österriech gelebt haben... und auch das ist nicht bestätigt :-)

Von Schröders Gestik .... und Fischers Mimik ...


Kürzlich im Parlament: Was hier wohl besprochen wird? .... ;-)

ZENSUR: Ein weiteres Weblog schweigt ... "The Other side"

Joshua Kucera's Weblog The other Side schweigt vorübergehend. Kaltgestellt.

Gemäss seinen letzten Einträgen wurde der "freelance" Journalist gebeten sein Blogg bis Kriegsende einzustellen.

....und nun warens' nur noch 5, oder 4... ?

(Hier noch die Homepage von Joshua Kucera: http://www.joshuakucera.com/)

USA Today Top Stroy: Pathetischer geht's nicht mehr

Diese Zeichnung von Präs Bush in der top Story von USA Today ist wohl etwas vom pathetischsten was ich je über Bush gelesen hab.

z.B. Bush makes a point of managing the balance of power in his inner circle....

Oder Interviews with a dozen friends, advisers and top aides describe a man who feels he is being tested. As might be expected from loyal aides, they portray the president as steady, tough and up to the task, someone whose usual cheer has shifted to a more serious demeanor. Their observations yield a rare inside look at how the president functions in a crisis.

Und: The president's friends and family fret about him, but advisers say the pressure doesn't seem to be getting to him. ''He's not one of those people who blows with the wind,'' Rumsfeld says. ''He has a very good inner gyroscope, a stabilizer that keeps him centered.''

Und für die, die sich die ganze Geschichte antun möchten: Strain of Iraq war showing on Bush, those who know him say

Trittbrettfahrer: Keep the comments on topic, please ....

Es ist schon erstaunlich, was die öffentliche Diskussion über Warblogs auslöst ...

Chris Allbrittons Blog Back to Iraq 2.0 bekllagt sich über Trittbrettfahrer. Journalisten posten angeblich ungefragt themenfremde Artikel auf sein Blog. So frei nach dem Motto: "Wir wollen jetzt auch "bloggen", es ist momentan ja so trendy..." oder "huch,....der hat ja mehr Zugriffe also unsere ganze online-Zeitung.." ???

Normally, as the interim editor of Back to Iraq, I would not do this, but I’m going to put a stop to the posting of off topic comments. Who ever is posting some other journalists work in the comments section just stop. This ‘blog, Back to Iraq, is a forum for the works of Chris Allbritton. It is not a free forum for other journalists to post their work to and get free publicity. If you feel you simply must post your works to Back to Iraq, and ride on the back of Chris’ hard work, then use the Back to Iraq Discussion Forums. If you continue to clog up the comments section of articles with off topic comments your posts will be deleted. Post a link to the external article, but stop posting the entire article.




Alles fliesst und nichts bleibt (Heraklit von Ephesos)








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