The Paradox of our Age
"We have bigger houses but smaller families;
more conveniences, but less time;
We have more degrees, but less sense;
more knowledge, but less judgement;
more experts, but more problems;
more medicines, but less healthiness;
We've been all the way to the moon and back,
but have trouble crossing the street to meet
the new neighbour.
We built more computers to hold more
information to produce more copies than ever,
but have less communication;
We have become long on quantity,
but short on quality.
These are times of fast foods
but slow digestion;
Tall man but short character;
Steep profits but shallow relationships.
It is time when there is much in the window,
but nothing in the room."
by Tenzin Gyatso, XIV Dalai Lama
more conveniences, but less time;
We have more degrees, but less sense;
more knowledge, but less judgement;
more experts, but more problems;
more medicines, but less healthiness;
We've been all the way to the moon and back,
but have trouble crossing the street to meet
the new neighbour.
We built more computers to hold more
information to produce more copies than ever,
but have less communication;
We have become long on quantity,
but short on quality.
These are times of fast foods
but slow digestion;
Tall man but short character;
Steep profits but shallow relationships.
It is time when there is much in the window,
but nothing in the room."
by Tenzin Gyatso, XIV Dalai Lama
Cyberwriter - 9. Aug, 23:48 - CyberWriters DayFlashes
4 Kommentare - Kommentar verfassen - 0 Trackbacks

Webcat72 - 10. Aug, 09:29
Das Leben, das Universum und der ganze Rest
,... und wir haben dennoch keine noch so blasse Ahnung, worum es bei all diesem eigentlich geht. Die ironische Teilversion hiervon, falls Sie mögen, gab es gestern abend hier) und teils ernst teils abgedreht bei mir. Die Relevanz ist natürlich komplett verschieden, aber die Grundidee eine sehr Ähnliche ... .
meckermann - 10. Aug, 20:00
Der letzte Abschnitt gefällt mir am besten - ich hole mir einen Burger, werde den Nachbarn schnell angrinsen, meine Blumen giessen und mir dann im stillen Kämmerchen einen antrinken...
Webcat72 - 11. Aug, 09:15
@meckermann: Dann frag ich Dich lieber nicht: "und wie war Dein Abend !?" ... ;-)
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