Wenn Journalisten bloggen lernen ....
Eine äusserst interessante Serie von Shawn Smith ist bei NewMediabytes zu finden: Beginning Blogging for Journalists:
Much of what I’ve learned from professional bloggers I’ve translated into ways print writers new to the blogosphere can improve their blogs. Blogging presents new challenges to skilled writers, including engaging audiences, expanding readership, managing content and interacting with the web. Take a look through some of my beginning blogging guides to help you or your writers better understand ways to build an audience for new blogs.
Much of what I’ve learned from professional bloggers I’ve translated into ways print writers new to the blogosphere can improve their blogs. Blogging presents new challenges to skilled writers, including engaging audiences, expanding readership, managing content and interacting with the web. Take a look through some of my beginning blogging guides to help you or your writers better understand ways to build an audience for new blogs.
Cyberwriter - 25. Mär, 16:26 - Blogging
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